Since its inception in 2013, the GLF has become an accelerator of best practices that brings together changemakers from finance to science to indigenous community leaders. There are many ways to be active in this community of landscapes and help drive positive change.

Associate Scientist – Protected Areas (PA) and Other Effective Areas-based Conservation Measures (OECM) Governance


Location : Dakar Senegal

This position will provide technical leadership on protected areas & OECMs management and governance in the developm...

K4GGWA & Regreening Africa II focal point in Nigeria (Readvertisement)


Location : Abuja Nigeria

This position will provide technical and scientific support to CIFOR-ICRAF projects in Nigeria mainly supporting the Kno...

Research Associate – Scaling up


Location : Lilongwe Malawi

The job is primarily to conduct scaling up activities on agroforestry and other ecosystem-based adaptation and natural r...